No Foolin’ - A #1 Amazon Bestseller!!

This graphic isn’t the prettiest, but it shows a fantastic result.

A hearty round of congratulations to my client, Kali Patrick, on achieving Amazon Bestseller Status for her debut book,

Mastering Your Sleep Puzzle: Your 12-Week Guide to Sleeping Better!

Yep, #1, baby!

As I’ve mentioned before, I not only edited this book alongside Kali but also benefitted from it.

My mantra used to be, “I’ll sleep when I’m dead,” but now my sleep is restful, and I’m more energized than ever.

So, two things I want to leave you with today:

First, if you want to achieve better sleep more consistently and don’t understand which pieces are missing, grab a copy of Kali’s book TODAY at

The second is more of a question.

Do you dream of adding “author” to your list of accomplishments?

There are lots of things that keep us up at night. Don’t let “writing a book” be one of them.

If writing a book is on your bucket list, my Book Idea Incubator Program may be the missing piece in your book publishing puzzle!

I get it, a book is a BFD (Big Flippin’ Deal). But it all starts with your idea.

And no one’s gonna know about it unless you share it with someone.

Let that person be me.

All it has to be is a conversation.

Book a call on my calendar, and let’s hear it!

Start the conversation and get your idea out of your head and out in the world — where it belongs!


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