What you can read on your winter vacation

Did you know that there's a delightful tradition in Iceland called Jólabókaflóð? Thankfully, it's much easier to pronounce as "Yule Book Flood!"

The Yule Book Flood is a custom where people gift each other books on Christmas Eve, then spend the night reading and sipping hot cocoa (or maybe something a little more spirited, if that's your style).

It’s cozy, it’s literary, it’s so my vibe.

But this year, instead of pushing a book, I have a different invitation for you. I’ve been pouring my grammar-loving, word-obsessed heart into a Substack where I write about grammar, usage, and living out my dream as an armchair linguist. If you’ve ever wondered how to wield a semicolon like a pro, why “literally” now means literally anything, or what your writing says about you, you’re going to love it.

So grab your mug of cocoa (or something stronger) and join me over on Substack. Let’s geek out about words together this holiday season.

📖 Read my latest post here

Icelanders clearly cracked the code long before Silent Book Clubs were a thing. Books, words, cocoa... They’re the original masterminds of introvert paradise!


holiday wishes


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