The Next Book Update

As I’ve mentioned before, winter is a deep-writing season for me. I typically wake up around 5 a.m. and journal by hand, which helps me empty my brain of things that would otherwise distract me- you know, like things I wish I had said in that argument in 2012. 

For a while, the next thing I’d do after journaling was work on The Next Book (which, in case you’re new here, is on the topic of grief, specifically my journey in grieving the death of my mom). 

“For a while” is the operative term. Yes, I’m sure you can guess where this is going.

Let's start with the good news: I've managed to write about three chapters of The Next Book. It's been a journey getting there, but seeing those chapters come together has been really fulfilling.

Now, onto the not-so-good news: I've hit a bit of a wall recently, and I have to admit, the writing has been a slog. Grief, as it turns out, is one tough subject to tackle. Who knew?

I've long believed that "the writing reveals everything," and let me tell you, I am a living, breathing testament to this adage right now. Some might say I am the poster child for it. 

Writing about my mom’s death is an unraveling of layers of emotions and memories, a process that can often feel overwhelming. My go-to defense mechanism? "I need a nap." 

Guess what? It’s really hard to write while you're napping.

Napping is also messing up my night sleep, so I need to find another defense mechanism. 

Procrastiwriting to the rescue!

pro·cras·ti·wri·ting (noun) the act of writing everything and anything except what you should be writing.

But this time, my procrastiwriting has turned into a side project that I’ll be submitting in a few weeks to a national publication in hopes of being accepted.

I know, I know, I am such an imp, not giving you the details, but suffice to say, all good things come to those who procrastiwrite wait.

So stay tuned, and trust me, when I know more, you’ll know it next.

P.S. In the meantime, if you haven’t already picked up a copy of my first book Fuckery: The Life and Times of A Legend (In Her Own Mind), you can snag an autographed copy here. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll get through this homestretch of winter!

P.P.S. Already have a copy of Fuckery and need some laughs to brighten a dreary day? Then snag a copy of Things That I Said But Probably Shouldn’t Have…it’s only $7 and guaranteed to make you chuckle.


Time Bends, Creativity Flows


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