Chronicles of a First-aholic

While I’m not generally competitive, I harbor a weird obsession with being first.

For instance, I like to brag that I am the first woman in the Harrington family to go to college and drive a car. True story on both counts!

I’m also the first woman in my family to write a book.

But also, because pettiness is my spiritual gift, I derive great pleasure when I am the first person to arrive in a Zoom room or the first person to wish someone Happy Birthday.

Yet, my obsession with firsts is not limited to MY firsts. I also love to celebrate when others are first.

Like my long-lost friend, Larry Curry.

Larry Curry holds the distinction as the first person to purchase an autographed copy of my book through the link on my website.

Believe it or not, I’ve known Larry Curry (yes, he will always be mentioned by his first and last name) for nearly 40 years. We met as teenagers while touring Europe with the Youth of America Orchestra in 1984. I played viola; Larry Curry played trombone.

We’ve been in touch sporadically over the years and recently reconnected on The Book of Face.

When he asked how I’ve been, I told him, “It’s going to be way easier to fill you in if you buy and read my book.”

So that’s what Larry Curry did.

Now, Larry Curry will get an autographed and personally inscribed copy of Fuckery: The Life and Times of A Legend (In Her Own Mind).

And little did he know that he’s getting a big shout-out in my newsletter and on this blog announcing him as The First Direct Online Buyer of Fuckery!!!

Congratulations to Larry Curry!!!

Now, back to you.

I know you’re probably a little disappointed that you aren’t the first to buy Fuckery directly from me. But that’s okay BECAUSE YOU CAN BE NEXT!

Head over to The Book section of the website and purchase an autographed copy of The Book!

Knowing me, I’ll find some wacky way to give you your very own unique “First” designation AND mention it in this blog and in my newsletter.

There really are no limits to my “firsts” obsession.

I can’t wait to see you in the order queue!


Pop the Champagne!


My Back-to-School PSA