Time Bends, Creativity Flows

My family recently threw a bash to celebrate my younger child's fake birthday.

Fake birthday? Oh, absolutely. Fake birthday. 

Yes, this begs context. Here it is:

Let me take you back 15 years, when I found myself locked in a negotiation battle with my younger daughter, Ivy. She was digging in her heels about starting at a new preschool and insisted she would only start there when she turned the ripe age of four. 

So, I did what I do best: I used my (super)power of persuasion to convince her that her birthday was just around the corner—several weeks sooner than it actually was. 

When Ivy caught wind of my little trickery (which, mind you, happened when she was 10, but that's a tale for another time), she did what she does best: seized the opportunity to orchestrate both Fake Birthday and Real Birthday celebrations every year since.

My point here is simple: time bends to the will of creativity.

The Fake Birthday tradition was born from a moment of parental desperation and quick thinking in the midst of chaos.

I see this principle in play in the realm of writing all the time: While we often believe we need vast stretches to craft our masterpieces, the truth is far simpler: a few minutes a day can work wonders.

As I tell my beginning writers, 15 minutes a day, 3-5 days a week to start. Set a timer and go.

It’s amazing what ignites when you’re on a deadline. Most often, my writers find themselves far exceeding the 15 minutes and soon write for at least 30 minutes every day of the week.

The trick is to set the deadline and stick to it.

Ready to unlock your writing potential? Just like the birth of Ivy's Fake Birthday tradition, creativity knows no bounds when given even a few minutes a day.

If you're ready to embark on your own writing journey, consider joining me for private 1:1 coaching sessions in Q2, starting April 1— no joke. Fill out the application form so we can get the conversation started.

Don't wait for the perfect moment—set your deadline, and let's get writing!


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