Find Out What’s Holding You Back from Writing a Book

Sure, it's great to be nominated and win a Golden Globe, but have you ever been on the Positively Living podcast with Lisa Zawrotny? I was seriously stoked to join Lisa Zawrotny on episode 191 to talk about what you need to get organized and write your book! 

In this episode, I share the shocking statistics of people who want to write a book compared to the number of people who get their publication out into the world, the reasons why that’s so, and I offer actionable steps to take right now to write your book.

Lisa and I cover the following topics:

  • 3 main blocks that keep people from writing their book. 

  • How writing a book is not perfect or linear- it takes time, dedication, and messy action. 

  • Releasing the expectations you’re holding over your book so you can get into the habit of writing.

  • Simple systems (on a free platform) that you can use to get organized and make your book happen.

We all have a story to tell, but we have to put in the effort to decide how and when we want to tell it. 

So go grab some popcorn and your beverage of choice + a piece of paper and pen because you will want to take notes on this episode!

P.S. My Q1 writing coaching spots are full. If you're interested in Q2, apply here! I only take three clients per quarter, and I'd be thrilled to have you on board.


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